Ministers and ministry team leaders are invited to join us for a coffee and a chat about burnout in ministry, what it looks like and the steps we can take to prevent it. Paul and Jo Eden will be facilitating the discussion.
When: Thursday 16th June, 1.30pm
Where: 75 Hansons Lane, Upper Riccarton
About Paul
Paul Eden has walked alongside people in their life experiences all his working life: 22 years as a nurse specialising in Child, family, and mental health; then 25 years in local church ministry. It was near the end of the last ministry placement when he experienced burnout. As he was no longer able to function, he resigned from the position. After some healing, and reflecting on his experience, a strong desire started to grow to bring the topic of ministry burnout into the open in a constructive way; to support those in ministry leadership and enable local churches to courageously address the issue, especially where there is a history of repeated burnout of leadership. His wife, Jo, walked with him through it all, and will share her thoughts and experience also.
Paul has written a book about his experience which has been reviewed here and will have some copies available for sale on the day