An Invitation to Wander and Wonder

Are you filled with questions about the Church, its mission, and the future? Do you find yourself wondering about what could be and where we are now? If so, we extend an invitation to you to embark on a journey of exploration and contemplation.


In the 6th century, Columba embarked on a journey that would forever impact the course of history. Arriving on the island of Iona, Columba’s mode of transportation, a coracle, captured the essence of his mission and faith.

The Celtic missionaries would embark on their journeys in a coracle, allowing themselves to be guided solely by the tide. This humble vessel became a symbol of their willingness to surrender to the currents and be led to wherever the tide would take them.

Pilgrim, explorer, pioneer, voyager...

These are all words to describe people who have ventured into the unknown, without a fixed destination in mind.

Are you seeking answers to questions about the Church, its mission, and the future? Do you find yourself wondering about what lies ahead and where we currently stand? Alpine Presbytery, the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership (KCML) and PressGo invite you to join us on a collective journey of exploration and contemplation.

10th - 12th August 2023
Hanmer Springs Memorial Hall, 1 Jollies Pass Road
$95 per person

Coracle is for people who are curious about discovering fresh approaches to experiencing church. It is an opportunity to share stories, engage in collective learning, and partake in prayerful moments.

We strongly encourage you to bring along your fellow teammates to foster meaningful discussions on how these innovative practices can be integrated into your specific community.

Feel free to reach out to your local Presbytery mission representative to explore opportunities for connecting with like-minded individuals in your region.

Our Conversation Partners

Mattias and Steph Neve (Forge Sweden), Darryl Tempero (KCML & Kiwi Church), Doug McConnell and others involved in new missional initiatives. 

Conversation topics include: cultivating rhythms in ministry, bicultural and intercultural relationships, mission or discipleship and bi-vocational ministry.

Travel and Accomodation

Hanmer Springs is 130km from Christchurch Airport. If you need us to arrange transport for you to Hanmer please let us know when you register and we will do our best to accomodate you. 

We encouarge you to book accomodation in Hanmer soon as it is a popular holiday spot. If you need some help with accomodation please let us know.